Aaron Lam Kwok-Yam
Aaron Lam Kwok-Yam was born in 1995 in Guangdong Province, China, He received his bachelor’s degree from the A […]
2023.06.07[水]_ 2023.06.11[日]
入場料: 400円(セレクトティー付き)
Aaron Lam Kwok-yam (アーロン‧ラム‧クォクヤム)は1995年中国‧広東省生まれ。香港浸会大学の視覚芸術専攻を卒業後、香港を拠点に活動を展開するアーティストです。個人の活動に加えて、2019年からは、アートグループ『Popo-Post(後後後藝術群)」のメンバーとしても様々なアートプロジェクトを展開しています。
Art Center Ongoingの展示空間の内部構造に着目し、視覚的に空間の輪郭や構造を際立たせながら、人間の身体及び感受性について考察するAaron Lam Kwok-yamによる本展、ぜひこの機会に多くの方々に、ご高覧いただければと思います。
(Art Center Ongoing 呂青 )
【About the exhibition “Neuron”】
Around 7% of the molecules in our body are renewed every day, and all of them will be rebuilt over a period of around two weeks. This continuous renewal reflects the body’s need for flow through biological mechanisms. In the processes of continuous organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movement, and reproduction, the cells of neurons are the most minimally updated compared to other internal organs.
Inspired by such biological facts, Aaron has created an installation in the upcoming exhibition “Neuron” presenting his ongoing practice on the themes of lived conditions and emotional entanglements. “Neuron” will review the reflexive relationships and connections between materials and bodies, and look into the sensitive and fragile nature of the human mind. With his growing interest in exploring the relationships established between his works in the exhibition space, Aaron has chosen to directly intervene with the Art Center Ongoing Gallery’s internal architecture, his installation visibly flowing through the exhibition space and emphasizing its lines and structures.
Aaron Lam Kwok-yamのOngoing AIR 滞在報告会
Ongoing AIR(オンゴーイング・アーティスト・イン・レジデンス)第38弾、
香港から来たアーロンことAaron Lam Kwok-yamが見た東京、そしてオンゴーイングはどんなものだったのか。お別れパーティーをかねた報告会。
The artist residency is supported by the Cultural Exchange Grant by Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Aaron Lam Kwok-Yam was born in 1995 in Guangdong Province, China, He received his bachelor’s degree from the A […]