Akira Takaishi
Akira Takaishi (born/resides in Japan, b.1985) has been creating land art, installations and implicit painting […]
2024.7.17[wed] - 2024.7.28[sun]
12:00-16:00, 18:00‒21:00(wed,thur,fri) |12:00‒21:00(sat,sun)
Admission: ¥400(with tea)
July 17th (wed)
Guest: Noi Sawaragi(art critic)
19:00 Start
Admission: 1000 yen (please one drink order)
July 20th (sat)
Guest: Tomohiro Masuda(curator)
17:30 Start
Admission: 1000 yen (with one drink)
July 27th (sat)
Closing reception
19:00 Start
Admission: 1000 yen (with light catering+one drink)
July 28th (sun)
Ongoing School
16:00 Start
Artists will give a talk about the exhibition.
Admission: 1000 yen(with cake and drink)
Akira Takaishi (born/resides in Japan, b.1985) has been creating land art, installations and implicit painting […]