Art Center Ongoing


Kobe Ko 高穎琳

Kobe Ko is an independent curator and artist, formerly worked as Assistant Curator at Para Site(2021–2023) and Art Education and Gallery Coordinator at Tai Kwun Contemporary(2019–2021). She is also the co-founders of nomad nomad(2014–present). She has curated ‘Cantando Bajito: Incantations’ (Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, 2024), ‘Everyday life in Hong Kong and Fukuoka: The study of Contemporary Arts and Kougengaku’ (art space tetra, Fukuoka, 2023), ‘Post-Human Narratives’ series (Cattle Depot Artist Village and Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, Hong Kong, 2020–2022), among others.

Ko’s artworks mainly focus on the re-imagination of distance and boundaries, she has participated in joint exhibition ‘roundabout’ (Zit-Dim Art Space, Tainan, 2024), ‘The Tailed Scar’ (Tiger Arm Strong Biennale, Hong Kong, 2023), duo exhibition ‘Over the ocean, over the sea’ (Current Plans, Hong Kong, 2022) and more. She graduated from the Department of Creative Arts and Culture of The Hong Kong University of Education, and received an MA in Gender Studies from Shih Hsin University in Taiwan. She lives and works in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Personal website:

高穎琳是一位獨立策展人、藝術家,她曾擔任Para Site藝術空間的助理策展人(2021至2023)以及大館當代美術館的藝術教育及美術館統籌(2019至2021),亦是nomad nomad共同創辦人(2014至今)。她曾策劃 《Cantando Bajito: Incantations》(Ford Foundation Gallery,紐約,2024), 《香港與福岡的日常——當代藝術考現學》(art space tetra,福岡,2023),《後人類敘事》系列(牛棚藝術村及香港醫學博物館,香港,2020至2022)等展覽。

高氏的藝術作品主要關注距離和邊界的重新想像,她曾參與聯展《只是時差》(節點藝術空間,台南,2023),《缺口長出了尾巴》(老虎巖雙年展,香港,2023)及《歷時迴聲》(香港兆基創意書院展覽廳,香港,2023),雙人展《Over the ocean, over the sea》(Current Plans,香港,2022)等。她畢業於香港教育大學創意藝術與文化學系,並在台灣世新大學獲得性別研究碩士學位。她目前往返於香港和台灣生活與工作。
